下面是fwdq挑选较好的英文版结婚司仪主持词范文,供大家参考。 尊敬的各位来宾、各位朋友:中午好! 阳春三月,歌声飞扬,欢声笑语,天降吉祥,在这美好的日子里, 我们迎来了jason先生和爱丽小姐喜结良缘、幸福结合。在这里首先请允许我代表二位新人对各位来宾的光临表示最衷心感谢和热烈欢迎!我是主持人xxx很荣幸能主持今天的结婚庆典仪式与朋友们共同见证这个美好的时刻 !这位是新娘的好朋友,丹艳小姐, 她将为今天婚礼庆典做一些 简要翻译。 ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. we are gathered today to celebrate the marriage of shaohua yan and jason madan. the ceremony will be conducted by our mc, xxx. my name is danyan. shaohua and i have been close friends for many years, and it is my pleasure to provide an english commentary on today’s proceedings. we feel honoured to be here with everybody to experience this special moment. the host will now call for the ceremony to begin with the playing of theweddingmarch. 现在正是良辰吉时,我宣布新婚庆典仪式现在开始,请我们的音响师奏响庄严的婚礼进行曲,让我们大家以最热烈的掌声有请二位新人登场![music begins here] (婚礼音乐奏响,新郎和新娘挽手步入,向两边来宾挥手致意,要面带微笑哟) 2:司仪向大家介绍新郎和新娘的简历。 来宾朋友们:有缘千里能相会,今天我们的男女主人公的爱情故事印证了那不朽的传说。他们的爱情跨越了千山万水,跨越了国界。新娘是我们中国的聪慧女孩。她留学英国,是剑桥大学的研究生,目前在英国就职。新郎是来自英国,有印度血统的帅气小伙子,他在剑桥大学取得了数学和经济学双学学位并在谢菲尔德大学获得了经济学博士学位。目前在英国一流大学就职。 the host has given us some background on the bride and groom. they were separated by distance and culture, but these are no barriers for destiny and love. in a short video, their matchmaker, ms zhang, will explain how this romantic journey began. 小伙子深爱着这位姑娘,跨越千山万水义无反顾的要把我们中国姑娘娶回家 ,那么他们是怎莫认识并情定终身的呢?请看大屏幕-这是他们的红娘张娜小姐对此解说的一段视频。 来宾朋友们, 这真是千里姻缘一线牵呀。他们的红娘张娜小姐因工作原因遗憾缺席今天的婚礼,我在此代表两位新人向她表示衷心的感谢。 3. 点烛火 烛火代表着家族香火的延续 代表着爱情圣火 现场每一位来宾的心中充满了祝福的火焰 舞台上二位新人的心中充满了爱的火焰 the couple will now light a fire that symbolises their love and the continuation of the family line from generation to generation. 请二位新人 手持引火器共同点燃爱的烛台 让我们祝福新人爱相随心相依情相连! 4:证婚人证婚。 爱神之火已经燃起 有请证婚人为新人作证良缘 mr. xxx, as a person of good standing, will now read out the marriage certificate and will also give his best wishes to the married couple. 5:双方父母上台 男大当婚,女大当嫁。在今天这个大喜日子里,其实最高兴的应该还有两位新人的父母。从今天开始,一对儿女正式真正的成家了,希望新郎新娘在建设好美好幸福家庭的基础上,同心同德打造事业的成功!我再次建议,我们的来宾用你们的掌声和喝彩声,像刚才欢迎新郎新娘那样的热烈程度那样欢迎新人的父母!感谢新人伟大而慈祥的父母双亲! for any parent, a child’sweddingday is a truly blessed occasion. the host will now ask the parents #from 本文来自高考资源网http://www.gkstk.com end#of the happy couple to join us on the stage. the bride and groom will then bow to them three times. the first two bows give thanks for raising them well, and with the third the couple promise to look after their parents in the future. the couple will then bow to the attending guests, to show thanks, and then to each other, as a promise to love and take care of each other forever. 现在有请:双方父母上台! 儿女不忘养育恩,今朝结婚成家立业,双亲为大。现在请新郎新娘准备!一拜高堂,一鞠躬,感谢养育之恩,再鞠躬,感谢抚养成人,三鞠躬,永远孝敬老人。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖呀!二拜来宾!感谢来宾的祝贺与祝福;夫妻对拜,恩爱到永远!好,大礼行毕,我们来听听双方父母的心里话。 下面我们有请新娘的父亲xxx先生为大家讲话! the host will now invite the father of the bride-mr.yan to say a few words. [father of the bride delivers speech] …….content of the speech, follows “the host now will invite the father of the groom mr.madan to say a few words. “ 最后让我们以热烈的掌声有请新郎的父亲马丹先生为大家讲话! (中文翻译放在在这里) 6:交换戒指,新郎讲话 非常感谢长辈以及各位嘉宾送上的祝福! 接下来新郎新娘将交换他们的结婚戒指,现在有请伴娘伴郎把新郎新娘的结婚戒指送上来。 next, the couple will exchange rings, to represent pure and everlasting love. 本文来源于百分网(http://www.oh100.com/),转载请保留此标记,谢谢!请新郎为新娘带上结婚戒指,我们看到这枚金色的戒指代表着一生一世的承诺。 接下来,请新娘为新郎带上戒指,代表着栓住了他的心。(新郎吻新娘的手) 相信这定情的一吻也将永远留在彼此的心间,下面我们请新郎讲话 we now invite the groom to say a few words. [jason’s speech here] 7.香槟塔 好的,接下来请这对新人走到百年好合香槟塔前,共同的倾诉你们的爱和蜜意,此时此刻,缓缓流下的不仅是香槟酒的颜色和味道,更是象征着你们的爱是绵长、甜蜜,这是情与情的相容,这是爱与爱的呼唤一种情感,在至爱与极美的瞬间凝固,在碰撞与激情的瞬间,锁定 然后慢慢的沉淀,消融满意释放的柔美过程,深藏的柔情蜜意在瞬间化成永恒!请你们细细品味相识的每一天、每一时、每一刻、每一秒、心有双丝网,化作同心结,二位新人已经将香槟塔注满,他代表着长久甜蜜! the champagne tower represents the couple’s love, sweet and overflowing. 8.交杯酒 请二位新人同饮交杯酒,做好交杯酒得动作,干杯吧! 来宾朋友们在我们的共同关注祝福中,二位新人的新婚庆典即将礼成,在这里让我们共同为两位新人祝福,祝福这对龙凤新人新婚愉快、白头偕老、永结同心!祝福新郎,祝福新娘,幸福永远,真爱永恒! we wish traditional chinese blessing for the newlyweds - may their marriage be joyful, may it last until every single hair turns white, may their hearts be joined forever. this concludes the ceremony - thank you for sharing this happy occasion wit h us. we hope you enjoy the rest of the day. lunch will now be served. 位领导、嘉宾,现在我代表东道主向大家宣布:婚宴正常开始!希望大家度过一个美好而幸福的快乐日子!祝大家用餐愉快! 英文版结婚司仪主持词下载地址(word版本):英文版结婚司仪主持词.doc |