在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文或者范文吧,通过文章可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。大家想知道怎么样才能写一篇比较优质的范文吗?以下是小编为大家收集的优秀范文,欢迎大家分享阅读。 英文请假条格式篇一随着现代社会对办公高效化的要求,用邮件等书写请假条已经与纸质请假条一起,成为现代企业请假制度中的两种请假方式,且纸质请假条也早已摆脱了手写样式,多为文档版本,可直接发给人事部门申请批准并存档,亦可根据公司要求打印出来经批准后再交给人事部门。 1、写法 首先,应该按照半正式的格式在假条的`上方还是写上如下信息: to:假条是递给谁的 from:请假人 date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) subject:写上请假字样 假条抬头范例如下: to: peter stone, manager from: lynn chen, financial department date: april 2nd, 20xx subject: casual leave of absence 其次,在您的请假信第一段,应该开门见山但是有礼貌地提出请假。第一段要中心明确,写清您要请假的日期。 然后,在假条的第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉意。 接着,在假条的最后一段,应写上您希望获得准假的句子,或者具体等候答复的时间。 2、范例 peter, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on april 4th, this wednesday. this morning i received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. i have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. the situation could worsen, should infection occur. concerning my workload: as wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, i think a one-day leave this wednesday may be the best solution. i apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. thanks. i will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time. 英文请假条格式篇二sick leave 病假 例子 dear sir or madam: dear mr li/miss li/mrs li, i beg to apply for two days’ leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absence (请假) from the 7th to 8th of this week. because i was ill, i want to return/go home to see the doctor. to support my application, i herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate. i should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. as regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, i will do my best to make them up as soon as i get back from leave. yours respectfully, li min 英文请假条格式篇三(请假单)
英文请假条格式篇四maths 1st year, class 1 april 10, year to department office ms. smith, owing to a severe toothache, i am unable to attend classes today. i now submit a medical certificate issued by the doctor. /i enclose a medical certificate from the doctor. hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. yours respectfully, li ming 英文请假条格式篇五1. i just put a casserole in the oven. 1. 我刚才把砂锅放进了烤箱。 2. my plastic surgery needed some “tweaking” to get it just right. 2. 我的整形手术需要一些再长长才能更贴合。 3. i was sitting in the bathroom and my feet and legs fell asleep. when i stood up, i fell and broke my ankle. 3. 我坐在浴室时脚麻了,站起来时扭了脚。 4. i had been at the casino all weekend and still had money left to play with on monday morning. 4. 我整个周末都在赌场,而现在身上还有钱,周一早上要继续赌。 5. i woke up in a good mood and didn’t want to ruin it. 5. 我早上起来时心情非常好,不想破坏好心情。 6. i had a “lucky night” and didn’t know where i was. 6. 昨天晚上我有了“艳遇”,现在不知道自己身处何处。 7. i got stuck in the blood pressure machine at the grocery store and couldn’ t get out. 7. 我被杂货店的血压仪困住了,出不来。 8. i had a gall stone i wanted to heal holistically. 8. 我得了胆结石,我想完全治愈。 9. i caught my uniform on fire by putting it in the microwave to dry. 9. 我把自己的制服放进微波炉烘干,现在它着火了。 10. i accidentally got on a plane. 10.我不小心乘上了一架飞机。 2025年英文请假条格式(5篇)下载地址(word版本):2025年英文请假条格式(5篇).doc |